Table 4

Binary logistic regression modelling for prediction of student attitudes to abortion†

VariableOR (95% CI)
Is abortion morally wrong?
Mode of entry4.60 (2.31–9.15)**
Continent of origin
 European (reference)
 North American1.04 (0.33–3.27)
 Asian0.15 (0.08–0.27)**
Religious adherence0.22 (0.14–0.35)**
Is abortion justified if it is consistent with the wishes of the mother?
Mode of entry1.07 (0.50–2.27)
Continent of origin
 European (reference)
 North American0.52 (0.21–1.32)
 Asian1.82 (1.06–3.12)*
Religious adherence2.54 (1.79–3.61)**
Is abortion justified if there is a real risk to the life of the mother (with suicide as a possible cause of risk)?
Mode of entry2.18 (0.69–6.83)
Continent of origin
 European (reference)
 North American0.52 (0.13–2.05)
 Asian1.91 (1.00–3.63)*
Religious adherence2.08 (1.36–3.19)**
Is abortion justified if there are developmental and genetic defects in the fetus?
Mode of entry0.47 (0.23–0.98)
Continent of origin
 European (reference)
 North American0.79 (0.32–1.93)
 Asian0.57 (0.33–0.99)
Religious adherence2.25 (1.58–3.20)**
  • †Adjusted for age, gender, year of programme.

  • *p<0.01, **p<0.01.

  • CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.