Table 2

Percentage distribution of women who interacted with health providers and received family planning information during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period, and use of modern contraceptives within 12 months of delivery by sociodemographic characteristics

Socio-demographic characteristicANC in third trimesterDeliveryPostpartum careModern contraceptive use within 12 months of deliveryTotal number
Interaction with providerReceived FP informationInteraction with providerReceived FP informationInteraction with providerReceived FP information
Age (years)
Schooling (years)
Place of residence
Ever used modern FP method
  • Used Pearson Chi-square (χ2) test (p values adjusted for survey design) to indicate whether there is a significant difference in the mean of categorical variables of interest – interaction with health providers and receiving FP information during ANC in the first trimester, at the time of delivery and during the postpartum period, and FP use during the postpartum period – with background variables.

  • *p≤0.05; **p≤0.01; ***p≤0.001.

  • ANC, antenatal care; FP, family planning; OBC, other backward caste; SC, scheduled caste; ST, scheduled tribe.