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An exploratory study of information-giving used to promote chlamydial test-seeking by students at a college family planning clinic
  1. Hugo McClean, MRCPI, DFFP, Consultant in Sexual Health Medicine1,
  2. Jem Sutherland, BA (Hons), Peer Group Worker2,
  3. Stella Searle, MFFP, MIPM, Lead Senior Clinical Medical Officer3 and
  4. Pat Howarth, RGN, Dip Coun, Health Adviser4
  1. Lansdowne Clinic, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull, UK
  2. AIDS Action, Cornerhouse, Hull, UK
  3. Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, Hull and East Riding Community NHS Trust, Victoria House, Hull, UK
  4. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Castle Hill Hospital, Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust, Cottingham, UK
  1. Correspondence Hugo McClean, Consultant in Sexual Health Medicine, Lansdowne Clinic, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull, HU3 2JZ.


Partnership working, involving workers in various aspects of sexual health and a large UK further education college, took place to give information about genital tract chlamydial infection in order to promote chlamydial urine testing (LCx Chlamydia trachomatis Assay Abbott Diagnosis Division) for a limited period at the college's family planning clinic. Female students were more likely to report awareness about the availability of testing and to access the testing service. Uptake of testing was largely contemporaneous with information-giving work and sharply declined after information-giving had ceased. A small population of test seekers (including partners of index cases) was generated, which harvested a rate of genital tract chlamydial infection similar to that found in family planning and genitourinary medicine clinics.

  • attitude to health
  • chlamydia trachomatis
  • patient education
  • preventative health services

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