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Magnetic resonance imaging appearances of the Mirena and GyneFix intra-uterine contraceptive devices: A report of two cases
  1. Glen H Hall, MRCOG, MRCPI, DFFP, Clinical Research Fellow in Gynaecological Imaging1,
  2. Kate A Guthrie, MRCOG, MFFP, Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health2 and
  3. Lindsay W Turnbull, MD, FRCR, Professor of Radiology3
  1. Centre for Magnetic Resonance Investigations, University of Hull at Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, UK
  2. The Princes Royal Hospital, Hull, UK
  3. Centre for Magnetic Resonance Investigations, University of Hull at Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, UK
  1. Correspondence Dr GH Hall, Centre for Magnetic Resonance Investigations, Hull Royal Infirmary, Anlaby Road, Hull, HU8 2JZ, UK. Tel: (+44) 1482 674082; Fax: (+44) 1482 320137; Email: g.h.hall{at}


We report here two cases which illustrate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the Mirena levonorgestrel releasing intra-uterine system and the GyneFix copper intra-uterine contraceptive implant. The MRI appearance of these devices has not to our knowledge been reported to date, and as increasing numbers of women choose to use these devices for treatment of gynaecological conditions and contraception, it becomes increasingly important to recognise their appearance on pelvic imaging.

  • gynefix
  • intra-uterine contraceptive
  • intra-uterine system
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • mirena
  • mri

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