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User satisfaction: Measurement and interpretation
  1. Janet Harris, MA, Director of Health Care and Health Sciences1,
  2. Martin Westerby, MSc, Schools and Young People's Officer2,
  3. Tony Hill, MPH, FFPHM, Director of Public Health3,
  4. Tilly Sellers, BA, International HIV/AIFDS Technical Advisor4 and
  5. Anne Hutchinson, FFPHM, FRCGP, Professor of Public Health Medicine5
  1. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
  2. Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority, London, UK
  3. South Humber Health Authority, UK
  4. Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance, Cambodia
  5. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
  1. Correspondence Janet Harris, Centre for Professional Development, University of Oxford, Littlegate House, 16/17 St Ebbes, Oxford OX1 1PT, UK


Over the past 5 years there has been an increased interest in assessing users' satisfaction with health care services in England. Measuring and interpreting user satisfaction with reproductive and sexual health services can be complex, and efforts have met with varying degrees of success. This paper will summarise the methods that have been used to assess user satisfaction over the past 10 years, describe a different type of approach that has been recently used in England, and provide some suggestions for approaches that may be effective in improving clinical effectiveness in the new millennium.

  • consumer satisfaction
  • health care evaluation mechnisms
  • patient acceptance of health care

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