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Warning: Can lawyers seriously damage your health service?
  1. Stephen Searle, MRCGP, MFPHM, MFFP, Consultant in Contraception and Sexual Health
  1. Correspondence Dr E. Stephen Searle, Consultant, Contraception and Sexual Health Services, Saltergate Health Centre, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1SX, UK. Tel: 01246 235792, Fax: 01246 559763.


This paper looks at a personal experience of threatened legal action when a patient read that IUD usage was contraindicated in cases of cervical pre-cancer. Important medico-legal issues are raised, and the author asks how much time is spent watching our backs rather than caring for patients?

  • cervical pre-cancer
  • contraindications
  • IUD
  • medico-legal practice

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