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Uterine perforation by GyneFix frameless IUD: Two case reports
  1. Jagdish D Gandhi, MD, FRCOG, MFFP, Specialist Registrar1,
  2. Jane Whitmore, MBBS, MFFP, MIPM, Consultant2 and
  3. Mohsen N Iskander, FRCOG, Consultant and Head of Department3
  1. Liverpool Women's Hospital
  2. Family Planning and Reproductive Health, North Sefton and West Lancs Community NHS Trust
  3. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals
  1. Correspondence Mr J.D. Gandhi, Department of Gynaecology, Southport District General Hospital, Towns Lane, Kew, Southport PR8 6NJ, UK. Tel/Fax: 01695 625900


Two cases of uterine perforation are described, occurring 11 days and 4 months, respectively, after the insertion of GyneFix, a frameless intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUD). In both the cases initial ultrasound scan showed the intra-uterine position of the device. Removal of the IUD, either by laparoscopy or laparotomy, had to be carried out. Awareness of this complication, insertion of GyneFix by a trained operator, appropriateness of ultrasound scan monitoring and possible underreporting of this complication are discussed.

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