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Implanon: When is the ideal time to insert?
  1. Helen Kennedy, MB BCh, BAO, MFFP, Senior Clinical Medical Officer in Family Planning and
  2. Mary Murnaghan, MB BCh, BAO, DGM, DCH, MRCOG, Specialist Registrar, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  1. Craigavon Area Hospital, Northern Ireland, UK
  1. Correspondence Helen Kennedy, SCMO in Family Planning, Craigavon Area Hospital Group HSS Trust, 68 Lurgan Road, Portadown, Craigavon, BT63 5QQ. Tel: (028) 38 334444, Fax: (028) 38 350068


The single rod implant was introduced to the UK in October 1999. This case illustrates a problem encountered with the timing of its insertion and highlights a possible note of caution.

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