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Management of Chlamydia trachomatis in a women's hospital: A review of current practice
  1. Toni Gleave, RGN, BA (Hons), MSc, Specialist Nurse Colposcopist1,
  2. Jennifer J Hopwood, MFFP, Dip Ven1 and
  3. Harry Mallinson, PhD, Principal Microbiologist2
  1. Department of Health Chlamydia Pilot Coordinator (Wirral), Liverpool Women's Hospital, Crown Street, Liverpool, UK
  2. PHLS Laboratory, University Hospital, Aintree, Liverpool, L9 7AL
  1. Correspondence Dr JJ Hopwood, Chlamydia Pilot Office, Evidence Based Practice Centre, St Catherine's Hospital, Birkenhead, CH44 0LQ. Tel: 0151 653 4416, Fax: 0151 651 1642


Objective To establish a measure of testing for Chlamydia trachomatis within the Liverpool Women's Hospital with a view to optimising both testing and management of infection.

Design Prospective observational study to review the outcome of Chlamydia testing and subsequent management of patients between September 1997 - September 1998.

Results It was observed that opportunities for detecting infection were missed and testing was undertaken predominantly for diagnostic purposes.

Recommendation Consideration be given to a centralised system for overview of positive results linking with audit/education to reduce sequelae of Chlamydia within gynaecology.

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