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Implementation of chlamydia screening in a general practice setting: a 6-month pilot study
  1. David I Harris, MRCGP, DFFP, Principal in General Practice
  1. Killamarsh Medical Centre, Sheffield, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr David I Harris, Killamarsh Medical Centre, 209 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh, Sheffield S21 1DX, UK. E-mail: david.harris{at}


Objective To determine whether screening for asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis infection could be undertaken in the context of a smear clinic or other sexual health consultation in general practice.

Methods A prospective, opportunistic, cohort study was undertaken in a general practice setting. The participants were asymptomatic women aged 16–24 years and men aged 16–34 years who were screened for Chlamydia trachomatis by testing endocervical swabs or first-voided urine samples. The main outcome measure was the uptake of the screening offer and the presence or absence of chlamydia infection as indicated by the test result.

Results A total of 115 patients (109 women and six men) were offered screening. Eighty-one (70%) patients accepted, with five positive results, giving an overall prevalence of 6.2% (5/81, 95% CI 1–11%). Of those offered screening when having a smear, 8.3% (3/36, 95% CI 0–17%) were positive.

Conclusion Screening for chlamydia can be undertaken in the context of existing services offered in general practice (e.g. a smear clinic or consultation) where contraception/sexual health is discussed.

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