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Community-based distribution and contraception usage in Iran
  1. Shayesteh Jahanfar, PhD, Associate Professor (currently Lecturer at the Royal College of Medicine, Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia1,
  2. Mojgan Ghodsi, MSc, Lecturer2,
  3. Faranghis Shahpoorian, MSc, Lecturer3 and
  4. Rohangiz Jamshidi, PhD, Statistician4
  1. Department of Obstetrics, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
  2. Department of Midwifery, Azad University of Hamedan, Hamedan, Iran
  3. Department of Nursing, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
  4. Department of Statistics, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
  1. Correspondence to Dr Shayesteh Jahanfar, Royal College of Medicine, 3 Greentown Street, Perak, 30450 Ipoh, Malaysia. E-mail: jahanfar{at} or jahanfar2000{at}


Objective Despite the availability of free contraception from family planning clinics, the rate of unwanted pregnancy in Iran is still high. The effectiveness of other methods for contraceptive supply should, therefore, be evaluated. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of community-based distribution (CBD) on contraceptive usage in Iran.

Methods This controlled field trial study involved 297 individuals (100 subjects in the CBD group and 197 subjects in the control group) from four major remote areas of Hamedan, Iran. Stratified random sampling was used.

Results Data analysis suggested that using CBD has four major effects: (1) it increases the level of contraceptive knowledge (p<0.0001), (2) it enhances correct contraceptive choice by couples (p<0.0001), (3) it improves contraceptive usage (p<0.0001) and (4) it improves contraceptive continuation rates (p<0.0001).

Conclusions CBD facilitates better knowledge, proper choice, and correct and continuous usage of contraception. This method should, therefore, be adopted for family planning services in remote areas of Iran.

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