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Training to fit intrauterine devices/intrauterine systems for general practitioners: is there an alternative method of service delivery?
  1. Deborah J Lee, MFFP, MRCGP, Associate Specialist in Reproductive Health, Lead Doctor for Medical Education and Training
  1. Southampton Contraception & Sexual Health Service, The Quay to Health, Southampton UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Deborah Lee, Southampton Contraception & Sexual Health Service, The Quay to Health, 27 Harbour Parade, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 6BA, UK. E-mail: debbie.lee{at}


Background and methodology This paper questions the traditional method of obtaining intrauterine device (IUD) and intrauterine system (IUS) training, by highlighting the pitfalls of this training, and introduces community IUD/IUS training, a new model offering significant advantages.

Discussion and conclusions Traditional IUD/IUS training is not optimal for a variety of reasons including scarcity of designated IUD/IUS clinics, long distances for travel to be trained, wasted clinic appointments, a tendency towards difficult IUD/IUS fitting in these specialist clinics, and a lack of suitable doctors as IUD/IUS trainers. Community IUD/IUS training enables the trainee to be involved in patient selection, setting up an IUD/IUS clinic (probably for their own future use) and following up their own patients. Community IUD/IUS fitting has definite advantages and much to commend it.

  • general practitioner
  • intrauterine device
  • intrauterine system
  • long-acting reversible contraception
  • training

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