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Marrying Well: The Clinician's Guide to Premarital Counseling
  1. Neelima Deshpande
  1. Acting Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

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Marrying Well: The Clinician's Guide to Premarital Counseling Elena Lesser Braun, Anne F Ziff. New York, NY: W W Norton, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-0-39370-594-2. Price: £19.99. Pages: 280 (hardback)

In an era where marriage is still looked upon with approval and appreciation there is also a real fear that divorce rates are the highest ever. A newly married couple therefore have much riding on their preparation for the time ahead – those who fail to appreciate the various aspects that actually build a good marriage soon find themselves wondering if they ‘married well’ after all.

Traditionally, couple counselling has been used when marriages or committed relationships falter under the stress of everyday ups and downs. There has been little attention paid to helping clients learn to choose well in the first place so …

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