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Life After Medicine: For Doctors Who Want a Trouble-free Transition
  1. Neelima Deshpande
  1. Acting Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

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Life After Medicine: For Doctors Who Want a Trouble-free Transition Susan E Kersley. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishing, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1-846-19381-1. Price: £19.99. Pages: 144 (paperback)

Moving on after medicine can be a challenge that most doctors face at retirement. Others may be forced to consider it because of life events or health problems. Some may consider it an active choice towards fulfilling other ambitions or simply to move on from something that does not have the same attraction as when they first started in the profession. All of these people would find Susan Kersley's book of great benefit in clarifying …

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