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“Tie a yellow ribbon”
  1. Stephan Hard
  1. General Practitioner, Laidlow Surgery, Greater Rising, UK

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One hundred and eighteeeee!! Amazing. I’ve just managed to break my New Year's resolutions in one fell swoop. The bottle of wine is empty, so is the box of doughnuts, and I’m still on the couch.

It's nonsense trying to make lifestyle changes in January. The days are short and cold, the paperwork pile is still here from last year, and the waiting room is stuffed with miserable people who like me have once again failed to maintain their resolutions and are heaving with problems they've only themselves to blame for.

OK, let's shine a light on this otherwise gloomy picture. Revalidation is coming closer, as is the next round of Government-engineered money-saving changes to the way we work. The primary care trust is stripped down to bare bones so for once has a good reason for not returning my …

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