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The Courtesan's Lover
  1. Lesley Smith
  1. Curator, Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, UK

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The Courtesan's Lover Gabrielle Kimm. London, UK: Sphere (Little, Brown Book Group), 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0-75154-455-8. Price: £6.99. Pages: 512 (paperback)

The Courtesan's Lover is a wonderfully crafted, historical novel set against a backdrop of mid-16th century Naples. The author, Gabrielle Kimm, has chosen one of the most turbulent times in early modern European history, with opposing factions in both politics and religion battling for power.

The Catholic Church was reeling from the impact of Henry VIII's Reformation and what were viewed as the other heretical challenges of Luther and Calvin, while kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms fought for territories and crowns. Much of the change was brought about by the discovery of new, distant lands and the opening up of trading routes. Greed, passion, desire and brutality often walk hand in hand with rapid change, and Naples in 1564 was no …

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