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Seems like a touch too much
  1. Phelem Goode
  1. General Practitioner, The Olde Pensione Surgery, Leichingsmound, UK

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Ever since the news over Christmas that some breast implants fitted in the UK contain industrial strength silicone we have had a run of anxious women wanting us to check their breasts. Our GP registrar is reported to have said “Christmas has come early” on more than one occasion, he being the one most likely to have slots available to fit these worried women into. Our receptionists have tried to wipe the grin off his face despite being happy with the complete attitude turnaround he demonstrated when asked to see ‘extras’. Our medical student, who when he arrived was a “surgeon in the making” and couldn't understand why anyone would want a life in general practice, appears to have quickly changed his tune as he sees his dream specialty become the target of …

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