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Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust
  1. Susan Quilliam
  1. Freelance Writer, Broadcaster and Agony Aunt, Cambridge, UK
  1. Correspondence to Ms Susan Quilliam; susan{at}

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What's your mission?

Every day in the UK three women die from cervical cancer with another eight diagnosed and facing an uncertain future. In addition around 300 000 women a year are told they have an abnormality that might require treatment. Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust ( is the UK's only charity dedicated to those affected by cervical cancer and cervical abnormalities. We are a national charity and our head office is in London, UK; we have four full-time members of staff.

What originally happened to create a need for this organisation?

The charity was set up by James Maxwell in memory of his wife Jo, who died from cervical cancer at the age of 40 years. Following Jo's diagnosis she (and James) had difficulty finding good information about every aspect of cervical cancer. It was their hope that one day everyone would have easy access to the best and most up-to-date information and medical advice. Most importantly for Jo, it was her wish that women affected by cervical cancer would have the opportunity to communicate with others facing similar challenges. These wishes remain central to the charity's vision today.

Describe a typical client/user

Our target audience includes women eligible for cervical screening, those affected by cervical cancer or …

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  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

  • Editor's note This article is one in a series of occasional articles on key health organisations worldwide. The Journal would be pleased to hear from other organisations, particularly those based outside the UK, which would like to be similarly profiled.