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Routine HIV testing in colposcopy
  1. Sarah Creighton, MRCP1,
  2. Rageshri Dhairyawan, MRCP2,
  3. Danna Millett, RN, BSc3,
  4. Lindy Stacey, MRCOG, DFSRH4
  1. Consultant in GUM/HIV, Department of Sexual Health, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK;
  2. Specialist Registrar in GUM/HIV, Department of Sexual Health, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK;
  3. Nurse, Department of Sexual Health, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK;
  4. Consultant Gynaecologist, Community Sexual Health Services, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK;

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We read with interest the article by Briggs et al.1and associated commentary by Bates2 suggesting a widening of HIV testing venues, to include termination of pregnancy services (TOP) and colposcopy services.

The Homerton Hospital, East London, UK has been performing opt-out HIV testing in the TOP unit since April 2008 and has an uptake of 60%.3 The HIV prevalence is 0.3%, higher than the genitourinary medicine or antenatal clinic. We initiated HIV testing in the colposcopy unit in September 2010 and report on the preliminary findings here.

All women attending the colposcopy unit of Homerton Hospital between 1 September 2010 and 28 February 2011 were offered opt-out HIV testing at the time of their colposcopy appointment. HIV testing was performed by point of …

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