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Testing Treatments: Better Research for Better Healthcare (2nd edn)
  1. Neelima Deshpande
  1. Associate Specialist in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK;

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Imogen Evans, Hazel Thornton, Ian Chalmers, Paul Glasziou. London, UK: Pinter & Martin Ltd, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-1-905-17748-6. Price: £6.99. Pages: 199 (paperback)

Educating the layperson about treatments and how to judge what is useful can be a minefield. Having now been living in India for 6 months, I can see how easy it is to part with randomised controlled trials and research initiatives and depend on pharma for education in new therapies and medicines. I dread to think of the potential harm we could be doing to patients and the public by taking this approach.

This book is an ideal follow-on from Ben Goldacre's highly acclaimed book Bad Science, and a good one to read before Goldacre's Bad Pharma. …

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