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Menopause Matters
  1. Susan Quilliam
  1. Writer, Broadcaster, Consultant and Trainer, Cambridge, UK
  1. Correspondence to Ms Susan Quilliam, Cambridge, UK; susan{at};

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Who are you?

Menopause Matters provides patients with information, support and advice about the menopause and its treatment options via our website (, our print magazine, our downloadable leaflets and through e-mail consultation. We also provide website cards and magazines for GP surgeries, to be available as patient support.

How and why did you begin?

Heather Currie, an associate specialist gynaecologist, former Associate Editor of this Journal and currently (2014) Honorary Secretary and Chair Elect of the British Menopause Society, initially realised that women have a huge need for accurate, independent information and support about the menopause. Assisted by a number of Scottish-based clinicians, she founded Menopause Matters in 2001. The website was launched in 2002 and the magazine in 2005.

Who is involved?

Heather Currie, founder and managing director, plus a webmaster, a social media manager, a magazine editor, an advertising manager and a finance director.

Who are your users and what are their needs?

Our users are any women experiencing the menopause who have need of our support. The main …

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  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

  • Editor's note This article is one in a series of occasional articles on key health organisations worldwide. The Journal would be pleased to hear from other organisations, particularly, those based outside the UK, which would like to be similarly profiled.