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Comment on ‘Midwives’ experiences and views of giving postpartum contraceptive advice and providing long-acting reversible contraception: a qualitative study’
  1. An Vanthuyne, MBChB, MFSRH
  1. Geraldine Joyce, RM, RN
  1. Rudiger Pittrof, MSc, MRCOG
  1. ST5 in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK;
  2. Named Midwife for Safeguarding Vulnerable Families, Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK;
  3. Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV, Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK;

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We thank McCance and Cameron1 for their article on midwives’ experiences and views on postpartum contraception and for highlighting an often neglected aspect of maternity care. The midwives interviewed by McCance were generally not very positive about their ability to make a difference.

We would like to describe a positive experience and the approach used in our work with vulnerable families.

There is no current best practice for promoting and providing postpartum contraception. However, we feel that new mothers are in a health care environment and are open to receiving information about reproductive health. Estrogen-containing contraceptives and intrauterine methods are United Kingdom Medical Eligibility Criteria (UKMEC) Category 3 in the postpartum period. Diaphragms …

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