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Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents in Ireland: data quality and completeness are improving
  1. Derval Igoe, * MB, FFPHMI
  1. Specialist in Public Health Medicine, Health Service Executive Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland;
  1. Gillian Cullen, BA(Mod), MPH
  1. Surveillance Scientist, Health Service Executive Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland;
  1. Kate O'Donnell, PhD
  1. Surveillance Scientist, Health Service Executive Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland;
  1. Elizabeth Keane, MB, FFPHMI
  1. Director of Public Health, Health Service Executive South (Cork & Kerry), Cork, Ireland;
  1. *Corresponding author.

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We read with interest the online version of Davoren et al.'s1 article on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents in Ireland. They point out limitations in national surveillance information, and the fact that surveillance data are available only in aggregate format.

In fact, STI surveillance in Ireland has improved considerably in the past 18 months. Since January 2013, all diagnostic laboratories in Ireland are reporting all new cases of notifiable STIs, with the exception of …

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  • Competing interests None.

  • Authors' note This letter was written by the authors on behalf of the STI HIV Public Health Special Interest Group.