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Personal reflections on the menopause journey
  1. Abi Berger
  1. General Practitioner, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Abi Berger c/o journal{at}

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Magic happens in general practice. When I've got a particularly personal interest in an aspect of medicine, I seem to attract patients with similar issues. I like to think patients sniff me out in the aether – but of course it may simply be that I empathise more with those with similar issues – or that I'm more on the lookout for them.

For a while it was anxiety and the multiple ways this can manifest. Then it was visual disturbances which can be result from ‘epiretinal membranes’ – a diagnosis bestowed on me by an ophthalmologist I had consulted about flashing lights in my peripheral vision. The flashing lights had no connection with the membranes at the back of my eyes and settled eventually …

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  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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