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Integrating digital media into counselling may be an effective implementation strategy to improve contraceptive uptake in adolescent and young women.1 2 Most women seeking abortion are in their teens or 20s3 and have high uptake of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) when offered.4 5 We conducted a study to evaluate if the use of the contraception website along with routine counselling increased postabortion LARC desire in a population of young women seeking first-trimester abortion.
We enrolled women between September 2012 and November 2013 at an academic hospital clinic. The study was registered with (NCT02532946). We included English-speaking women, 18–29 years old (the target audience of, seeking medical abortion less than or equal to 9 weeks and surgical abortion less than or equal to 12 weeks of gestation. To maximise feasibility and acceptability of the implementation strategy, we obtained verbal informed consent and used a quasi-experimental design. Clinical days were randomised in a 1:1 ratio as ‘routine’ counselling days, in which the clinician …
Funding This research was funded by a grant from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and, in part, by a career development award in Women’s Reproductive Health Research: K12-HD001265-18.
Disclaimer The funding body had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or in writing the manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent Not required.
Ethics approval The Boston University Institutional Review Board approved this study.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Presented at Portions of this work were presented at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Clinical Meeting on 4 May 2015, in San Francisco, California, USA.