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Perforation of the anterior cervix by the threads of an intrauterine device
  1. Katie Boog,
  2. Vinod Kumar
  1. Leicester Integrated Sexual Health Service, St Peter’s Health Centre, Leicester, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Katie Boog, Leicester Integrated Sexual Health Service, St Peter’s Health Centre, Leicester LE2 0TA, UK; katielaitken{at}

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We would like to share with the readers an interesting case of a cervical perforation by the threads of an intrauterine device (IUD). Our patient was a multiparous woman in her 40s who attended for removal of her IUD due to dysmenorrhoea, having had a TT380-Slimline inserted by her general practitioner 5 years previously. She denied any post-coital bleeding or dyspareunia and was otherwise well with no history of gynaecological procedures, abnormal smears or pelvic infections. On examination, the threads of the IUD were protruding from the anterior lip of her cervix, approximately 10 mm from the ectocervical os at the 1 o’clock position (figure 1).

Figure 1 IUD threads perforating the anterior cervix

We were concerned that the frame of the IUD might have perforated the uterus or the cervix. We therefore performed …

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