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Evolving practitioner, evolving practice
  1. Abi Berger
  1. Correspondence to Dr Abi Berger, London, UK; info.bmjsrh{at}

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I’ve written previously in this column about transitioning from general practitioner (GP) partnership, into being an employee. Six months after leaving ‘my’ practice, I have a portfolio life working as a GP in new and different ways, including appraising and nurturing others. It’s been challenging and liberating. I’m enjoying working with patients from different communities, and demographic backgrounds, learning a lot from the variety, and thoroughly enjoying ‘just being a doctor’. I have rediscovered my ‘roots’, including my love of trying to work out what the diagnosis is. I have been surprised that I no longer crave the much heralded ‘continuity of care’ badge of honour, but I do enjoy wearing the Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat of detective work.

Now I am on the edge of …

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