Table 1

Assessment criteria for London Primary Care Trust Enhanced Service contracts

StructurePractitioner criteriaDescribes eligibility criteria for health professionals (e.g. evidence of training and competence)
States health care professional has regular CPD
Service requirementsStates service has to comply with standards of infection control
States service has adequate facilities for fitting (e.g. speculum, dilators, couch)
States service has adequate resuscitation facilities (e.g. atropine, oxygen)
Other requirements – state
ProcessAssessment for fittingStates sexual history must be taken and STI tests if appropriate or indicated
States written information must be provided to patient
Provider can produce an adequate record of consultation and procedure
Provider must record type (in case of intrauterine contraception) and batch number of device
States provision of follow up (e.g. after fitting and check-up as and when required)
PaymentStates procedure for submitting information to PCT for payment
TariffFor IUD/IUS fitting
For IUD/IUS check
For contraceptive implant fitting
For contraceptive implant removal
Any other fees/retainers
Other requirements – state
OutcomeClinicalProduce regular audit of fittings – register of patients, device type, complications, follow up
ContractualStates how PCT will monitor provider (apart from audit and quarterly returns)
States conditions of termination
Other requirements – state
  • CPD, continuing professional development; IUD, intrauterine device; IUS, intrauterine system; PCT, primary care trust; STI, sexually transmitted infection.