Table 3

Factors influencing women's human papillomavirus information needs

FactorSample quotes
Concerns surrounding abnormal cytology/diagnosis of CIN“It just wouldn't have registered. It was all about what are the cells doing.” [PT11]
Amount of information provided about HPV“Well I know it can cause cancer, I know its sexually transmitted, there's so many different types of it, so I'm a bit like, ok, I still don't actually understand what it is. Is it something that you can have for years, does it affect you in other ways? Do men have it? I never kind of got any of them kind of questions answered.” [PT04]
Awareness of HPV being sexually transmitted“It kind of makes me think I probably need to know a little bit more about it … because I have one partner and we live together and we're together over like maybe two and a half years … so I don't know.” [PT13]
Previous negative health care experience“Before, I was diagnosed with PCOS so I've been to see several doctors and one of the most irritating things is, especially when you're paying them, is that they're not explaining anything. Like, I had a lot of questions about the HPV thing.” [PT13]
HPV test in relation to other life events“I'd be more worried about well has this [HPV infection] been causing my miscarriages and stuff like that and I had early pregnancies you know premature babies.” [PT20]
  • CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; HPV, human papillomavirus; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome.