Table 1

Short-term acceptability-related attributes identified as important to contraceptive decision-making

BenefitsSide effectsOther factors affecting satisfaction
Less heavy periodsHeavier periodsHaving to see a doctor or nurse to get contraception
No periodsNo periodsHaving to go to a shop/pharmacy to get contraception
Less painful periodsPainful periodsHaving an injection
More regular periodsIrregular bleeding or spottingHaving an implant under the skin in one's arm
Less premenstrual symptomsNauseaHaving a vaginal examination at a clinic
Less acneWeight gain (>2 kg)Remembering when to take or use contraception
Irritability/depressionRelying on my partner to remember when to take or use contraception
Breast tendernessGenital contact (touching the vagina or penis) to use contraception
HeadachesAny interruption during sex in order to use a contraceptive method
Skin irritationAny loss of sensation/feeling during sex
Loss of sex driveSexual partner knowing of contraceptive use
Delay in return to fertilityFriends or family knowing of contraceptive use