Table 2

Method of abortion by site of assessment

Method of abortion and gestationHospital
[n (%)]
[n (%)]
EMA outpatient (≤9 weeks)601 (54)*741 (68)*
EMA hospital (≤ 9 weeks)220 (20)184 (17)
STOP (≤13 weeks)219 (20)**121 (11)**
Mid-MTOP (≤20 weeks)75 (6)47 (4)
  • Significantly higher proportion of women have EMA as an outpatient from sexual and reproductive health (SRH) site than hospital; *p=0.008.

  • Significantly higher proportion of women have STOP from hospital than SRH site; **p<0.001.

  • EMA hospital, medical abortion in hospital; EMA outpatient, medical abortion going home to expel pregnancy after receiving treatment on licensed premises; mid-MTOP, mid-trimester medical abortion; SRH, sexual and reproductive health; STOP, surgical abortion.