Table 2

Comparison of contraceptive implant videos stratified by source of video (patient or professional)

Number of videos (%)12 (24)38 (76)
Mean views/day27 (0.88, 185.7)25.2 (12.8, 65.1)0.62
Mean duration on YouTube (days)*188.3 (172.3)364.4 (227.3)0.02
Mean number of comments1.5 (0, 42.5)19 (11, 31)0.062
‘Likes’7 (1, 93)15 (7, 32)0.55
‘Dislikes’1 (0, 8)3 (1, 5)0.62
Reliability3 (3, 4)2 (1.5, 2)<0.0001
Global quality scale score4.25 (3.5, 4.5)2.5 (2, 3)<0.0001
  • Data are median ± (quartile 1, quartile 3) or n (column %) unless otherwise specified.

  • *Mean (SD).