Table 1

Summary of search results

AuthorsYearSettingStudy periodRelationship of interestTRAP law(s) assessedOutcome(s)Findings
Amador21 2015USA1997–2011Impact of reproductive policy on choice patterns in young women (18–30 years)Simulated TRAP law(s) (inspired by Texas’s HB2) resulting in county-level provider closuresAbortion rate/ratio, contraception choicesSimulated closure of county-level provider was associated with a 6.8% decrease in the probability of obtaining an abortion and a 5.5% decrease in abortion ratio (#abortions/#pregnancies). Authors reported substantial substitution between contraception and abortion.
Beauchamp20 2015USA1991–2005 (simulations)Impact of TRAP laws on abortion market and abortion ratesLicensing, physician law, second-trimester hospital requirements, proximity to hospital, transfer agreement, physical/administrative requirementsAbortion rate, provider entry/market patternsPhysical/administrative requirements decreased market entry rates for clinics (−0.37; SE=0.22). Applying Utah’s restrictive provider regulatory scheme to the full country (via simulation) resulted in a 0.77% change in the number of abortions over the observation period (no SE reported).
Colman and Joyce18 2011Texas, USA2001–2006Impact of WRTK Act on late-term abortion ratesASC requirement for abortion at 16+ weeks' gestation (also waiting/counselling components)Abortion rate, cost, timingWRTK Act was associated with a decrease of 0.57 late-term abortions per 1000 women (SE=0.10), a 72% decline compared with the pre-policy average. Cost of abortions at 20 weeks' gestation increased by 37%. The authors found no effect of WRTK on abortions prior to 16 weeks' gestation.
Gerdts et al 17 2016Texas, USA2014
Impact of HB2 on women who obtained an abortionAdmitting privilege requirements (also medical abortion restrictions, 20-week ban)Burden (distance, cost, delay, preferred procedures) and hardship (self-reported composite/summary variable)HB2 was associated with a 19% increase in difficulty accessing abortion, a 32.6% increase in women travelling over 50 miles, a 10.3% increase in women spending over US$100, a 14.3% increase in ‘frustrated demand’ for medical abortion, and an increase in mean hardship score (0.72, no SE reported).
Grossman et al 5 2014Texas, USA2012–2014Impact of HB2 on abortion provisionAdmitting privilege requirements (also medical abortion restrictions, 20-week ban)Abortion rate, clinic availabilityHB2 was associated with a 13% decrease in the Texas abortion rate over the observation period. The number of abortion facilities declined by 46%.
Medoff19 2010USA1982–2005Impact of TRAP licensing fees or plant/personnel laws on abortion demandLicensing fees, plant/personnel lawsAbortion ratio (abortions per 1000 pregnancies, women 15–44 years)The effect of licensing fees on abortion demand (#abortions/#pregnancies) was 1.33 and the effect of facility requirements on abortion demand was −6.29 (no SEs reported for either estimate), based on the model with time effects; the author reported that neither association was statistically significant.
  • ASC, ambulatory surgical centre; HB2, House Bill; TRAP, Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers; WRTK Act, Women’s Right to Know Act.