Table 1

The 100-point visual analogue scale (VAS) metrics for pain during intrauterine device (IUD) insertion procedure

VAS numberReporting time point during IUD insertion process
VAS #1Prior to placement of the speculum
VAS #2After placement of the speculum
VAS #3*After attaching the suction (fourth turn of the knob) or the tenaculum device
VAS #4After adjusting the suction or tenaculum device
VAS #5Immediately after IUD insertion
VAS #6Immediately after suction or tenaculum was removed
VAS #7After the speculum was removed
VAS #8The day after the procedure
  • *VAS 3 and VAS 4 differ in Stage 3 by randomisation to either the Bioceptive suction cervical retractor (SCR) device or the single-tooth tenaculum.