Table 2

Adjusted ORs for non-adherent versus adherent to oral contraceptives

Demographic/characteristicAdjusted OR (95% CI)*
Paternal country of origin
 Western 0.91 (0.84 to 0.99)
 Sub-Saharan Africa 1.28 (1.04 to 1.58)
 Asia 0.82 (0.76 to 0.89)
 Former Soviet Union 0.88 (0.80 to 0.96)
 North Africa0.96 (0.88 to 1.04)
 Other0.88 (0.64 to 1.21)
Immigration status
 First generation 1.13 (1.05 to 1.21)
 Longer-term residentReference
 Less than high school 1.90 (1.54 to 2.33)
 High school graduateReference
 Higher education 0.62 (0.48 to 0.79)
IQ score
 Low (90–99) 1.28 (1.22 to 1.34)
 Medium (100–117)Reference
 High (≥118) 0.90 (0.83 to 0.96)
Neighbourhood socioeconomic status
 Low (1–4)1.04 (0.99 to 1.10)
 Medium (5–7)Reference
 High (8–10)1.05 (0.99 to 1.11)
Type of service
 Combat 1.66 (1.30 to 2.13)
 Combat-support 1.22 (1.12 to 1.34)
Medical score
 Low0.97 (0.93 to 1.02)
 Stable1.00 (0.94 to 1.06)
  • *Adjusted for: age at starting use, year of use, body mass index, paternal country of origin, immigration status, education, IQ score, neighbourhood socioeconomic status, type of service, medical score, and history of mental illness.Bold typepye denotes statistically significant data.