Table 1

Standard of care for intrauterine system use

Standard criteriaPatients (n)Actual (%)Target (%)
1 Counselling/discussion, including risk of infection, perforation, expulsion, pregnancy20100100
2 Allergy and silver allergy checked20100100
3 Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening offered if appropriate20100100
4 Antibiotics treatment offered if high risk of STIN/AN/A100
5 Assistant present20100100
6 Method of insertion documented20100100
7 Bimanual examination performed and documented20100100
8 Tenaculum application performed20100100
9 Uterine sound performed and documented20100100
10 Type of device, expiry number, batch documented20100100
11 Follow-up/patient seen for review and outcome documented1575100
  • N/A, not applicable.