Table 4

Methods of contraception provided at discharge to women undergoing early medical abortion

Contraceptive methodClinic misoprostol (n=698)Home misoprostol (n=823)P value
IUC: referred*198 (28.4)213 (25.9)0.297
IUC: inserted100 (14.3)112 (13.6)0.711
Implant99 (14.2)110 (13.4)0.655
Injectable64 (9.2)55 (6.7)0.084
CHC170 (24.4)201 (24.4)1.000
POP105 (15.0)173 (21.0)0.003
Condoms76 (10.9)81 (9.8)0.554
None84 (12.0)93 (11.3)0.689
  • Figures shown are number (%).

  • *Women who indicated a wish for an intrauterine method of contraception and were given an appointment for insertion at a later date at the service.

  • CHC, combined hormonal contraception (pill, patch, vaginal ring);IUC, intrauterine method of contraception; POP, progestogen-only pill.