Table 2

Reasons sexual healthcare was not accessed during lockdown (total n=58)

Reasons sexual healthcare not accessed during lockdownn%
Issue viewed by individual as unimportant/non-urgent†2950.0
 Didn't think it was important/necessary2034.5
 Thought it could wait2339.7
Barriers to seeking healthcare†2441.4
 People in my household would ask where I was going1525.9
 Tried calling but couldn't get through1119.0
 No way to get to a clinic915.5
 No privacy to make a telephone call813.8
 No telephone credit46.9
 Don't have my own telephone11.7
Lack of information about service availability during lockdown†2441.4
 Didn’t think I was allowed to during lockdown1932.8
 Didn’t think anywhere was open1220.7
 Didn’t know who to call610.3
COVID-19/lockdown-related concerns†1525.8
 Didn’t want to leave house during lockdown1424.1
 Worried about catching COVID-19 if I went out813.8
Other reasons given*712.1
 Don’t know11.7
  • *Other reasons given: was homeless (1); no childcare (2); not called for routine contraception (1); working so missed call-backs (1); bad experience with care in the past (1); usual contraception not currently available in New Zealannd (1).

  • †These are subheadings created for subcategories of similar types of reasons, number and percentage denotes the number of people who selected one or more reason in this subcategory