Table 1

Determinants of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) among women of reproductive age (15–49 years)

LevelDeterminantRisk factorProtective effectNot statistically significant
IndividualIncreased wealth1 study672 studies37 401 study342 studies17 513 studies18 29 541 study68
Muslim3 studies27 28 306 studies19 31 36 40 58 613 studies41 54 623 studies51 63 68
 Parental factorsMaternal education (high)2 studies20 563 studies36 51 611 study541 study52
Paternal education (high)2 studies20 561 study521 study541 study51
Mother subjected to FGM/C1 study603 studies37 51 52
Mother's occupation (employed)1 study50
 HouseholdOther family members subjected to FGM/C1 study601 study51
 CommunityFGM/C is required by religion1 study61
Urban region1 study182 studies19 405 studies20 33 49 54 563 studies36 51 612 studies41 421 study37
  • Studies19–21 have overlapping age groups.