Table 2

Determinants of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) among girls and infants

LevelDeterminantRisk factorProtective effectNot statistically significant
Parental factorsMother’s increased age1 study453 studies17 35 381 study663 studies39 59 641 study55
Increased wealth1 study591 study173 studies18 39 643 studies22 38 66
Muslim3 studies18 57 593 studies22 35 391 study462 studies23 66
Maternal education (high)1 study666 studies17 23 25 45 59 698 studies22 24 26 35 38 44 55 572 studies39 64
Paternal education (high)4 studies23 25 45 692 studies44 552 studies46 642 studies22 24
Mother subjected to FGM/C1 study592 studies17 351 study661 study39
Mother’s occupation (employed)1 study573 studies25 59 644 studies23 38 39 44
Father’s occupation (employed) 1 study251 study642 studies23 44
Mother’s marital status (currently married)1 study69*1 study392 studies38 55
Mother’s knowledge on FGM/C (high)1 study251 study382 studies55 65
Mother’s support of FGM/C continuation3 studies17 38 391 study66
HouseholdOther family members subjected to FGM/C1 study44
CommunityFGM/C is required by religion2 studies22 251 study39
Urban region1 study594 studies23 38 55 582 studies39 462 studies22 44
  • Studies22–25 have overlapping age groups.

  • *Higher odds ratio for married versus single or divorced (excluding widowed).