Table 2

Symptoms and care details for hospitalisations/stays in a health facility overnight for 14 participants who received additional care to complete the abortion and/or care for any other problems (n=15 hospitalisations)

SymptomsPharmaciesClinicsTreatmentLength of stay (days)
Incomplete abortion, prolonged bleeding*11MVA1
Severe pain, little bleeding*10MVA1
Heavy bleeding, loss of consciousness10MVA, IV fluids and medicine (unknown)1
Signs of infection, prolonged bleeding01MVA and medicine (vitamin)3
Signs of infection, retained blood clots/incomplete20MVA and medicine (unknown)1–2
Signs of infection (high fever, chills, sick)40Antibiotics, IV fluids and medicines (unknown)2–7
Signs of infection (readmission with heavy bleeding)†10MVA1
Ectopic pregnancy10Surgery6
Non-abortion related reasons (dengue, heart disease)11IV fluids, medicines (related to disease)1–4
  • *Reason for hospitalisation was not clear.

  • †This participant was first hospitalised for 7 days for signs of infection (high fever, chills, sick). After discharge, she experienced continued bleeding, so returned to the hospital for additional care.

  • IV, intravenous; MVA, manual vacuum aspiration.