Participant ID | Age (years) | Ethnicity | Locality | IMD quintile* | Educational attainment | New user since March 2020 | Mode of access used |
P1 | 30–39 | White British | Rural | 4 | Bachelor’s degree or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face |
P2 | 40–54 | White British | Rural | 3 | Bachelor’s degree or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P3 | 17–29 | Any other Asian background | Urban | 1 | A-levels or equivalent | No | Online |
P4 | 17–29 | Any other White background | Suburban | 3 | Postgraduate degree or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face |
P5 | 17–29 | African | Urban | 1 | A-levels or equivalent | Yes | Online |
P6 | 30–39 | Any other ethnic group | Suburban | 1 | A-levels or equivalent | Yes | Online |
P7 | 17–29 | White British | Urban | 1 | A-levels or equivalent | No | Face-to-face |
P8 | 17–29 | Indian | Urban | 3 | A-levels or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P9 | 17–29 | Pakistani | Urban | 1 | 10 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Online |
P10 | 17–29 | Chinese | Urban | 3 | A-levels or equivalent | No | Face-to-face |
P11 | 17–29 | African | Suburban | 3 | Postgraduate degree or equivalent | No | Face-to-face |
P12 | 17–29 | Indian | Urban | 1 | No qualifications | No | Telephone |
P13 | 40–54 | Pakistani | Urban | 3 | Postgraduate degree or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face |
P14 | 17–29 | White British | Rural | 1 | 10 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P15 | 17–29 | White British | Rural | 1 | 10 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P16 | 17–29 | Any other Asian background | Suburban | 1 | 7–9 GCSEs or equivalent | No | Telephone |
P17 | 30–39 | Pakistani | Urban | 1 | <5 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Online |
P18 | 40–54 | White European | Suburban | 1 | No qualifications | Yes | Face-to-face |
P19 | 40–54 | Any other White background | Urban | 3 | Bachelor’s degree or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P20 | 17–29 | White British | Suburban | 1 | 7–9 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face, telephone |
P21 | 17–29 | Prefer not to say | Urban | 2 | 7–9 GCSEs or equivalent | No | Face-to-face |
P22 | 40–54 | White British | Suburban | 2 | <5 GCSES or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face, online |
P23 | 40–54 | Pakistani | Suburban | 1 | <5 GCSES or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face, telephone |
P24 | 17–29 | White British | Urban | 4 | 7–9 GCSEs or equivalent | No | Telephone |
P25 | 40–54 | White British | Suburban | 3 | Postgraduate degree or equivalent | Yes | Online |
P26 | 30–39 | Any other White background | Urban | 2 | <5 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
P27 | 30–39 | Mixed White and Black African | Suburban | 2 | A-levels or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face |
P28 | 17–29 | Any other Asian background | Urban | 2 | 5–7 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Telephone, online |
P29 | 40–54 | White British | Suburban | 4 | A-levels or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face |
P30 | 17–29 | White British | Urban | 1 | <5 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Face-to-face, telephone |
P31 | 40–54 | White British | Urban | 1 | <5 GCSEs or equivalent | Yes | Telephone |
*1=most deprived, 5=least deprived.
GCSE, General Certificate of Secondary Education; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; P, participant.